This card you must fill in for most of the treatments like massages for example and pamper parties. If you can not find relevant card for your treatment it means that this consultation card is absolutely fine to be filled in.
Please fill this form + relevant consultation form for the treatment you want to give permission to be performed on the minor. Also please make sure you are in present at all the time of the treatment too - it is part of the treatment agreement.
Please fill in Parent/Guardian consultation form as well, if the treatment is for under 18's
Please make sure you also arrange upfront 24-48hrs in advance a patch test. I do not perform treatments without a patch test - it is for your own safety and to make sure you do enjoy your pamper and at the same time you are absolutely safe too.
Please fill in this form before to book Facial treatment.
You can book 30min telephone consultation absolutely free of charge, if you never had this treatment before. Also you can click on my Blog post below which gives lots of additional information regarding the treatment, comparing it with other treatments.
Please fill in this form before to book a facial treatment. It will help me to learn more about your skin care routine, adapt your treatment, if I need to and give you more in depth consultation before your pamper.
Please fill in this form before any of my hair removal treatments. It is suitable for Strip. Hot Film wax or Treading.